Chilling out with the Izzies

In La Casa De Izzies there are three Izzies. My husband (the idea man): Israel. Our hippsterish son (I know that's not a word but it suites him) : Isaiah. And our sour patch baby girl (no lie she can go from sweet to sour in a second) : Isabel

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

School update

Busted and owning it…………..

I have completely ignored our blog for way too long. What can I say we are a busy “little herd”. So many changes going on its crazy to think that the fall is upon us and I am bearly getting back to blogging…… oh well no time for regrets. That’s the end of that, but here is the quick synopsis of what’s been going on.  So I am on week two of being a newly stay at home mom and student. I am a little rusty on both, but I can own my flaws and make the most out of any craziness that both of these task may entail.  So far I have been purging away unnecessary clutter, organizing, writing, reading, commuting, and potty training Ellie.  Isabel is so proud of her new school and actually gets ready with our hesitation, Isaiah is adjusting to middle school, Israel is proud and excited for me (about school and being home), and I am adjusting to this new chapter in our lives.  I am happy to say that all of my Izzy’s support mommy going back to school, thank goodness its only six credits this semester.  My first day was a bit overwhelming. I had a can do attitude with a long to do list so needless to say I should have taken it one bit at a time, but I've recovered. 


First day for Little Izzie!       Second week for this Izzie