Chilling out with the Izzies

In La Casa De Izzies there are three Izzies. My husband (the idea man): Israel. Our hippsterish son (I know that's not a word but it suites him) : Isaiah. And our sour patch baby girl (no lie she can go from sweet to sour in a second) : Isabel

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Staying occupied and Halloween

Blogging has been sitting on the back burner for a while, but when you run a busy house full of Izzies this is bound to happen.  The kids have entered into their half-way point for this semester and they are thriving.  Isaiah let me know the other day about how he enjoys being at his new school.  He likes that it challenge him and I couldn't be more proud.  Isabel's teacher always makes me feel at ease about my baby when she informs me about the way Isabel is becoming more of a leader and an academic enthusiast.  As for me I am surviving trying to juggle school with family life.  Thank God for our awesome family that enjoy our kids company and keep them for a couple of hours so I can do homework, study, or just stay on track.  I don't remember it being this difficult the first time I went back to school, but it is what it is and I am ok with that.  I am also highly blessed with my hubby: Israel he is very supportive and motivates me to stay on track.  Although my blogging skills still suffer the main tasks at hand are going great.  Oh and Halloween was a fun brain break type of evening. The kids were able to dress up as book characters for school; Isaiah was Audi Murphy

Isabel was the female version of Huckleberry Finn, and Ellie was a pumpkin.  The kids got a free "treat" at Jamaba Juice as an after school snack.  By the time Isabel went trick or treating she was done with her straw hat and someone asked her if she was a hobo--- oh No! Isaiah opted to pass out candy with grandma, he was not amused.  We ended the night with scary movies, cousins, pizza and friends.  Which by the way Oculus was more of a suspenseful movie than horror.