Chilling out with the Izzies

In La Casa De Izzies there are three Izzies. My husband (the idea man): Israel. Our hippsterish son (I know that's not a word but it suites him) : Isaiah. And our sour patch baby girl (no lie she can go from sweet to sour in a second) : Isabel

Monday, January 5, 2015

2014 review

2014 was a year of being humble, learning new things, accepting things I cannot change and loving every moment we shared with each other.  Honestly this was the first year that I can say it just literally flew by.  Our relationships with one another are closer and we could not be more satisfied.  What I really enjoyed about our New Year’s Eve was the sweet surprise that our Little Bell had for us.  We celebrated New Years with my Hubby’s family and Isabel led all the children in an activity she planned out.  She went up to each of the adults and let them know what she thought made them great in 2014.  It was uplifting and a great reminder of having a child like faith in humanity.  While I initiated my blog at the beginning of 2014 I wanted to start journaling all of our adventures. Las adventures de (the adventures of the Izzies) los Izzies…….. or the LBH (Little Brown Herd) as Mijo deicide, also in January. Anyhow, with going back to school and living life I just did not make blogging my priority and that’s perfectly fine with me.  So to any one that did happen to read any of my post thanks for stopping by and thanks for not hounding me for updates.  

In 2015 I do plan on using my camera more often and possibly even posting videos, we will see.
So in short 2014 was about looking at life without filters and distancing ourselves from things that only hold temporary value.  Oh and we succeeded in eating at home on a weekly bases, which of course in true mommy blogging style, we ate organic about 80% of the time and gluten free about 50% of the time.  And our other little lifestyle change was making our own toothpaste, deodorant, cleaning solutions, and finally home remedies dominated over the counter solutions this year as well.
Cheers to 2015 and walking in faith as family unit.

Maria and the Izzies